Friday, November 16, 2007


That was the reaction when I saw this...

Sorry that some of them are sideways. I just wanted you to see it more detailed for a contest! I want you to guess how many bobby pins were in my hair. The winner gets a mystery prize if they win. The winner will be the closest one to the exact number. It doesn't matter if you are over or under. The winner will be announced on Sunday. Guessing ends on Sunday, just before I announce the winner. Good luck!!

When I took it out...

Pretty Girlies

*******Check out my teeth!!! :D*******


Anonymous said...

I bet you had 47 bobbi pins. I love you guys' hair!! Whitney's is so cute!

Anonymous said...

Who voted no on Courtney's basketball poll???????????

She should she'd be so good. Plus, we're running less now!!

Anonymous said...

I had like had about 50, so i think you had 45
(my mom is signed in so i have ot be anonymos)

Anonymous said...

did u add any bobbi pins on Thur.?
r u counting those?

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to TELL u if u should play basketball! Do u want to? If not, don't. If u do, do.

Courty said...

the # of bobbi pins is the # of bobbi pins that I took out of my hair on thurs. night.

Anonymous said...

i guess........
55 bobbi pins
see u in a half hour!

Anonymous said...

Why didn't Stacy ever guess?