Friday, June 8, 2007

Woopsies and ugh.........

I am so sorry!! I haven't posted for a WEEK!!! Now people aren't gonna come back and visit!!! Well nothing has been very exciting around here, so I don't really have a very good excuse for not posting.... Again, sorry!!

I had a huge long post typed and it DELETED!!!! UGH!!!!!!!!!! It was LONG!! Well, I really, really have to go and make supper.

Well, one good thing... Joe Mauer plays tonight!! It is the first game that he has played in 23 games that the Twins have played without him. I feel it in my bones that is is going to his a home run tonight!!

On the last post, some of you didn't see that the word HERE is the link. It is a very beautifully done video. You have to check it out!!

Well, I really have to go now!!!



Rebecca said...

Hey Courtney, thanks for visiting my blog...I bet the connection was SpainDad as I see him listed in your blogroll, and I have been reading his blog ever since he became a father......anyway.....HI!!!!!

Ellie said...

Just stopping by to catch up~


Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Just got back from vacation and I am trying to catch up on blogs. Way behind!!!